1997 Mitsubishi FX-10

CNC Wire Type EDM

Control: Mitsubishi
Maximum Workpiece Dimensions: 31.5" x 22.65" x 8.45"
Table Size: 24.80" x 20.86"
Maximum Workipiece Weight: 1168 lbs
Machining Stroke ( X x Y x Z ): 13.77" x 9.84" x 8.66"
UV Stroke: +/- 1.25"
Taper Capacity: + / - 15 Deg at 100 mm
Table Rapid Feedrate: 51.18 ipm
Table Height: 35.43" above floor
Wire Diameter: .008" - .012"
DielectricTank Capacity: 105 gal
Machine Weight: 4900 lbs
Machine Size: 91" x 92" x 84"



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