Planer Mills List

1965 Bertram 60X360 (54" x 32ft table Planer Mill)

1971 Gray T 76179 (74" x 265" Planer Mill)

Gray 44 x 194 (44" x 194" Open Sided Planer Mill)

1944 Ingersoll Special Duplex Type A (28" x 96" Table)

Ingersoll 100x432 (Large Capacity)

1938 Loudon 16300 (9ft x 26ft Table, 1 Milling Head)

New Haven 6X17 (6ft x 17ft Table, 1 Milling Head)

Niles Bement Pond 60 x 60 x 24 (60" x 60" x 24ft)

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